Sunday, August 16, 2009

More paving slab analagy

Heck. I still have nothing either funny or interesting to say but must blog today, to preserve my self esteem and reputation as a woman to be relied upon. Hum.

Guess I could continue with the paving slab analagy: there are a few more similarities to share. I'm feeling worn at the corners, a bit cracked and somewhat heavy... In fact I weighed myself round at a friend's house last week and I am don't just feel heavy, I am heavy.

Everyone's been saying that I look like I've lost weight (well, two people have), so I said with confidence that I reckoned I was X stone. Was secretly thinking I was at least half a stone lighter, and would be able to feign delighted surprise, but as it happens I'm a whole stone heavier. Pistons and water tanks! Or whatever it is that Thomas says. Something has to be done. So I've added 'writing a diet plan' to my 'to do' list. Nearing the top is, 'write a three-week rotating food plan', which is followed by 'send Other Half on a cookery course', 'make a list of things to do before I'm 40', 'write a will' and 'list places it might be nice to move to'. Ha! I'm really getting into this being organised lark.

You may be wondering when I'm finding time to write this, as I still seem to be feeding new Babe until ten o'clock each night, when I just have to crash too. Well, I've got them both to sleep at the same time, would you believe?! (Other Half has gone out for some fresh mint so that I can make sauce to accompany the roast today, which I estimate will take him about two hours and he'll come from the shop down the road with either basil or oregano.)

Babe is in his buggy in the hall, and woke briefly a few minutes ago, and looked around, yelled 'I don't want to,' and then crashed out again. What a sweetie! New Babe is in the pram top. Upstairs. But that's a random boring detail I don't really need to share, except that I am obsessed with perambulators at present, since managing without a double buggy, when you've got two kids, limited access to a car and the weather is rubbish is not funny. I did buy a side by side model on ebay, which we had to drive some distance to collect. Unfortunately it won't fit through our front door and is now in the roof. Despite the fact that I discovered I could get it through the front door with two sleeping kids in it, by collapsing it a bit, as it is frankly just too heavy and unwieldy to use. I don't really like the 'one under, one over' models that cost £300 smakaroonies, especially as I'd have to haul a rucksack around with me or buy paniers that no doubt also cost an arm and a leg. Will keep you posted on this one, no doubt.

Potty training going really well again by the way. Last night Babe came and hung out with us for twenty minutes in the sitting room, before announcing casually that, 'there's a poo on the floor in the other room'. He's so helpful! Actually, I never guessed that potty training was going to cost us a fortune in Thomas locomotives, as we try and persuade him not to defacate in hidden corners or dark places that you'd only come upon by accident. Like under the seat of his ride-on digger. We're ending up with some really random trains as well - diesel10, for example - (what does he do, apart from have a slidey plastic thing on top that a toddler can try and pull off?).

Heigh ho. Better go and get my succulent quorn roast outta the freezer. Do any readers know of a tasty sauce I could knock up to accompany it? xx

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