Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ok, so I lied

You probably guessed that my other half didn't get tangled in the helicopter outside TKMaxx. That would have been silly. So I've been musing about why I lied. I suppose it's because I felt I was building up to a crescendo and then realised I didn't have one so made one up. The story felt a little empty without something else on top.

But what none of you realise is that nearly every day for us is a story like that one. Life for me is kind of like scootering along, gripping the handles for all I'm worth, knowing that as soon as a corner approaches I'm going to have to indicate, and that's the point at which I just know my shoelace is going to get caught up in the wheel spokes. So I cunningly decide not to indicate at all, or change direction mid-journey, and that's when the contents of the ice-cream van I hadn't noticed ahead of me by the kerb shoots it's load across my path.

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