Well, New Week's Resolutions, actually: several readers (possibly all of them) have asked why my blog died such a fast and sudden death. Good question. Well, stupid question really - I'm a working mum who lives with a man, for crying out loud, which doesn't leave time for applying deodorant, let alone written contemplation - but it has given me cause for thought. I must find a way of re-building the person I always thought I was. I must find myself. I must seek a more productive way of letting off steam than turning the air blue and worrying our neighbours. So here it is. I commit to updating this blog twice-weekly for the forseeable future. And now I'm going to watch the second round of Britain's Got Talent. Anything, anything at all, to kurb the onslaught of hugely intelligent and important thoughts that pursue me night and day...
PS On the subject of blue air, Babe has said 'sh*t' about ten times now. And in context, so there's no mistaking it. The first occassion was about a week ago when he rolled off my bed, ran around the side and richoched into a chair. Things must change.
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