Good grief! What has my life come to? I've just caught the tail end of some film for kids about whales and surfing or something and within five minutes I started crying. Other half is crying too, but children's films tend to have that effect on him. Think he must yearn for a simpler life at times. Not that I make life complicated, you understand. (Yeah right - the ED.)
So, back to the film, and the fact that I'm writing this sniffing. Must be the evocative music. Or the fact that's I've been up since half five again this morning, and it's taken both of us two hours this afternoon to settle an increasingly manic Babe down for a sleep. Poor little mite has been given about ten bottles of formula, as that's what usually gets him to drop off. OOPS - BORING MOTHER DETAIL ALERT... And it's been windy-rain-hailing outside so pushing him out in the pram wasn't an option. He did sleep for half an hour at 8am, which is when I should have had a nap too, but I decided to tidy the loft, and have filled the dining room with dusty boxes to sort. And now I'm going to go and make stuffed aubergine for dinner. I think there's a learning point here somewhere, but will ignore it for now. So much to do, and so little time...
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